Embodying the Major Arcana

The Empress is the great mother of the tarot deck. Overflowing with warmth, empathy, and compassion, she longs to nurture and nourish that which is in her care. She is a supportive and committed partner - giving freely and loving genuinely. She is deeply connected to the earth - eagerly engages all of her senses, taking full pleasure in whatever life brings her way.

She embodies creative flow. Her very being is fertile ground for whatever she longs to conceive and grow. She represents fulfilled potential in all her roles through the unification of body, mind, and spirit.

The Empress is a master of resources and emotionally intelligent - able to accomplish whatever she sets her mind to without force. She is brimming with patience and endurance for the journey. She navigates obstacles and evaluates perceived limitations within her internal landscape (and in others) to find unique solutions for looming difficulties. 

Her medicine lies in the act of receptivity. Staying open to the abundant gifts the universe wants to offer her. Believing she is worthy of recognition and care. Trusting that which needs to contract so that she can make space in her life for expansion. 

It's important to note that this archetype is not limited to mothers or even female-identified humans. Feminine energy exists in all of us and is a valuable teacher. We are all capable of nurturing something and we all long to be nurtured ourselves. Learning to cultivate a receptive state is a powerful lesson for each of us.

Some reflection questions to consider when working with The Empress card:

  • What am I currently nurturing
  • What area of my life needs to be nurtured?
  • What am I longing to birth and create?
  • How can I honor my sensual nature?
  • What beauty within and around me needs to be celebrated?

Below are some common associations and a movement exercise to help you better understand and embody the energy of The Empress card. To see these properties in action, click on the YouTube video image below to watch my own channeled movement for this archetype. 

Element: Earth

The earth element is connected to our physical needs for survival such as security, nourishment, foundation, structure, health, and fertility. This element can be expressed through movement that is slow, steady, weighted, and strong. Often, this movement has a “down and out” quality to it. One might also feel led towards floor work or being low to the floor so that one can make an intentional connection with the ground beneath their feet. 

Planetary Influence: Venus

The planetary influence of the Empress card is Venus. Venus is extremely sensual and takes her time. She highlights the connection between earthly Taurus and heavenly Libra. Movement for Venus can look strong and elegant - possessing regal qualities. You might see a grounded or slow-moving foundation with gliding or elevated arms/head/torso movements. YTShort Icon 03 The Empress

Movement Exercise for The Empress Card

This particular exercise was created to assist us in exploring the juxtaposition of a solid base against a light and airy upper body, as well as embody the feelings of nurturing or being nurtured.

Before you begin, make sure you're moving in a safe space with plenty of vertical and horizontal room.  I would highly recommend you give this exercise a try in a chair first to ensure you're not tempted to move your lower body.

  1. Start this practice standing (or seated) with your feet comfortably hip-width apart.
  2. Take a few moments of giving loving touch to your body. Allow your hands to caress your arms, shoulders, head, and face - whatever feels good and safe to you. 
  3. Shift your focus to your connection with the floor (or chair). Imagine the lower half of your body becoming strong and solid like a tree trunk or concrete - still and unmoving. 
  4. Let the strength of your base allow your upper body to move freely. Lower your arms to your side and allow them to slowly and gently dance higher until they reach the sky.
  5. Experiment with intricate hand movements and gestures - imagine you are a queen standing before her court. 
  6. Then pull your arms down and in to give yourself a big hug, giving yourself the utmost love and care and taking note of how that makes you feel.

Try to move through this exercise as slowly as you can. Experiment with different base positions: seated on the floor (or in a chair), on your knees (use a cushion if needed), standing with feet together, then with feet apart. You may even want to lie down and try this with your arms and legs.

Approach this entire process with curiosity and an open mind. Be careful not to let yourself judge any movements as right or wrong. Notice your comfort level in allowing yourself to feel pleasure. Take time to journal your thoughts and experiences before ending this practice. I would also encourage you to return to the exercise in a few days or weeks and see if you can expand your capacity for physical touch or creative expression. 

Learn more about working with the tarot in conjunction with your dance and movement practices in episode 10 of my Spiritual Dance Podcast titled “Tarot for Dancers.” CLICK HERE to listen.

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About the Blog

This blog is a resource for spiritual seekers, aspiring to professional dancers, and all those in between. I've spent more than half of my life weaving together my professional dance career and my spiritual path as both are equally important to me. The points of intersection that I've discovered over the past two decades are what fuels my soul. It's been a wild adventure and also a profoundly transformational journey - one that continues to evolve. My hope in reading this blog is that you'll be inspired to explore spirituality in new and embodied ways while also deepening your relationship with yourself and this incredible world we inhabit.

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