Spiritual Dance Education

woman in long shiny jewel tone dress dancing in a shallow stream and text that says "activate your intuition with spiritual movement practices"

Spiritual movement is an embodied practice of becoming aware of the energy that is already flowing both in and around you and then allowing your physical body to move (or be moved) in response. The specific modalities I focus on when teaching spiritual movement are intuitive movement, interpretive movement, psychic movement, and channeled movement. These four practices can help activate our connection to the divine and strengthen our energetic receptivity.

Spiritual movement is not tied to a particular religious path, culture, or belief system. Our bodies were designed to move - it's our birthright! Learning how to access shapes, rhythms, patterns, and varying dynamics within our bodies allows us to embrace the fullness of our being. Whether you're engaging with your higher self, tuning into the voice of your physical body, or pulling wisdom through from the spiritual realm, spiritual movement practices help us to harmonize our physical and energy bodies so that we can experience the tangible and intangible simultaneously. 

You may be wondering why I'm using the word MOVEMENT instead of DANCE and that is an intentional choice that is important to understand when engaging with my work. I teach dance and movement as concepts that convey contrasting energies serving opposite but equally important purposes. Movement is action created in the body by being in a receptive state. Dance is movement that one initiates and executes within the physical body through conscious intention. The difference is in how we choose to interact with the flow of energy. I go into great detail about these differences in my blog article Dance vs. Movement as well as episode four of my Spiritual Dance Podcast titled Spiritual Dance Lingo.

Let's break down each of the four modalities I teach under the umbrella of spiritual movement...

Intuitive Movement is a practice that helps us to be fully aware and fully present in our physical bodies, bypassing the ways in which we were trained or how we think we should move. When I teach intuitive movement, I’m guiding students through a process of learning to identify and respond to the voice of the divine within as well as to our own inner wisdom. When we allow our bodies and our soul to guide us into the movement that he/she/they need the most, we are activating our spiritual channel and fine-tuning our inner guidance system which also paves the way for increased psychic development. Intuitive movement can also function as a type of healing modality that supports our mental and emotional well-being by helping us feel our emotions and then express them as we see fit. You can learn more about this practice by reading THIS BLOG ARTICLE.

Interpretive Movement is an expressive practice of retranslating our own personal experiences with this world. When we encounter people, places, concepts, events, or other forms of art that have a significant impact on us, we can reshare that experience from our own perspective. This practice places an emphasis on allowing the emotions you experience from interacting with something or someone to create a raw and authentic kinetic response in your body. When this type of movement is choreographed, rehearsed, and/or performed, then it would fall into the category of interpretive dance. But I’m referring to a movement practice that happens in real-time, a processing of emotions through an embodied response that happens in the moment. The biggest difference between intuitive and interpretive movement is that intuitive movement is a response to energy inside of you, whereas Interpretive movement is a response to energy outside of you.

Psychic Movement is the practice of responding to energy gained through extra-sensory perception. I have an extensive collection of activation exercises that I use to help students identify movement messages received through SIGHT (clairvoyance), SOUND (clairaudience), FEELING (clairempathy), and KNOWING (claircognizance). The difference between Interpretive movement and psychic movement is that with interpretive movement you are responding to something of interest that you’ve encountered outside of yourself, whereas psychic movement is a more specific response to an energetic message that you’ve received. For example: in a thunderstorm, you can feel and express the power you’re encountering - but you may also sense an urge to cover your head and retreat for safety. Or maybe you are connecting with a person who is incredibly charismatic - being around them can make you feel good, but you may also experience some body postures or sensations in your physical body that act as red flags - warning you not to get too close. The key is discerning where those messages are coming from - is it conditioning, trauma, or a message from an energy outside of yourself?

Lastly, we have Channeled Movement. This is the practice of receiving and expressing supernatural knowledge or insight kinetically in the physical body. It allows you to SEE and EXPERIENCE messages from the world of spirit in a way that surpasses language barriers. Channeled movement is my primary spiritual practice, it’s something I experience daily. I teach channeled movement from the perspective of connecting to higher-level beings for higher-level information. When I step into this role, I’m mostly connecting directly to source - pulling through big-picture messages for spiritual guidance, growth, and development. Channeled movement is interpreted through a practice called Dance Divination and I almost always teach those two things simultaneously. You can learn more about Dance Divination by reading THIS BLOG ARTICLE or checking out my upcoming BOOK and ONLINE COURSE on this topic.

If you would like to learn any of these modalities for yourself, the best place to start is by creating and growing your own spiritual dance practice. This will give you a solid framework and set you up for success in your exploration of any spiritual dance and movement practices. CLICK HERE to download my FREE guide to starting a spiritual dance practice and get started today! This will also add you to my mailing list so that you can be in the loop about my upcoming events and training opportunities both online and in-person. You can also This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to teach in your community or organization. 

About the Blog

This blog is a resource for spiritual seekers, aspiring to professional dancers, and all those in between. I've spent more than half of my life weaving together my professional dance career and my spiritual path as both are equally important to me. The points of intersection that I've discovered over the past two decades are what fuels my soul. It's been a wild adventure and also a profoundly transformational journey - one that continues to evolve. My hope in reading this blog is that you'll be inspired to explore spirituality in new and embodied ways while also deepening your relationship with yourself and this incredible world we inhabit.

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