Spiritual Dance Blog

Wheel of the Year

This year’s spring equinox will occur on Saturday, March 20th, 2021. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the start of spring - a season of rebirth that holds the promise of joy, energy, and abundance. On this day, the sun rests directly above the Equator and we have equal parts of dark and light in our skies. From here thru to the summer solstice, the amount of light we receive each day will grow greater and greater until we reach the longest day of the year at the summer solstice on June 20th.

Woman in red dress in evergreen trees arching back and reaching for the sky with text that says "Rebirth of the Sun"
Wheel of the Year

The 21st of December marks the Winter Solstice for the northern hemisphere. This is the day when the sun stands still (which is the meaning of the word solstice) at the lowest point in the sky. After this day she will begin to ascend again - hence the use of phrases such as “rebirth of the sun” or “return of the light”. We’ve reached a turning point and from here, our days will begin to get longer and longer until we reach the peak of the sun’s height at the Summer Solstice in June.

woman in black dress dancing with a large black scarf in the woods during the fall with text that says "Samhain Blessings"
Wheel of the Year

Samhain (pronounced sow-an) is a symbolic transition in our journey around the sun. It is the halfway point between the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice marking the end of the lighter half and the beginning of the darker half of the year. Celtic pagans celebrated the death and rebirth of the year on this third and final harvest festival falling on October 31st in the northern hemisphere. It is a day of liminal space where the veil between our world and the otherworld is at its thinnest. Those who celebrate Samhain engage in activities that honor their ancestors and also ward off evil spirits.

park sunset in the fall with autumn leaves and text that says "the autumn equinox"
Wheel of the Year

The Autumn Equinox is one of two days per year when we have equal parts of light and darkness in the sky. As we move forward from this day, the nights get longer and the days get shorter. Some celebrate the Autumn Equinox as the first day of Fall, some see it as the beginning of Libra season, and others recognize it as Mabon - the second harvest festival within the Wheel of the Year. I celebrate ALL those things.

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About the Blog

This blog is a resource for spiritual seekers, aspiring to professional dancers, and all those in between. I've spent more than half of my life weaving together my professional dance career and my spiritual path as both are equally important to me. The points of intersection that I've discovered over the past two decades are what fuels my soul. It's been a wild adventure and also a profoundly transformational journey - one that continues to evolve. My hope in reading this blog is that you'll be inspired to explore spirituality in new and embodied ways while also deepening your relationship with yourself and this incredible world we inhabit.

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