Spiritual Dance Blog

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Last night I had a dream about a large old building that was getting ready to be demolished. I’m pretty sure the building represented my old life. I got everything out that mattered and then I watched it fall. When I woke up I started looking through old photos and ran across this picture from two years ago. My husband, a few close friends and I were attending a conference called “Evolving Faith”. That conference marked the beginning of the end for me and it was a last ditch effort to try and hold on to the beliefs that seemed to be crumbling around me.

woman standing on the shore staring out at the ocean wrapped in a dark blue towel with moon phase images and text that reads "water and the moon"

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been fascinated by the moon and large bodies of water. My earliest spiritual experiences were beholding the beauty of the ocean or lying under the stars on a camping trip. A little over a year ago I started tracking the moon and aligning my life to flow with her cycles. In the process, I’ve become even more taken by the fact that no matter how much or how little we see her in the sky, she still directs the tides to come in and go out like clockwork.

woman rising up from the floor, facing the ceiling with text that says "your expression is unique"
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Sometimes I feel like I’ve spent most of my life on this never-ending quest to find others like me. Someone with the same spiritual gifts, perceptions, and experiences. Anyone who might speak the same spiritual language that I flow freely in. I think that maybe if I found someone like me, it would somehow validate my journey, validate me as a person, and make me feel less weird and less lonely. But I have yet to meet that someone. And what I’m beginning to realize is that I’ve been searching for me this whole time. I’m here on this planet to teach and to share my unique gifts and perspectives. Doing so requires me to use my voice, come out from behind the curtain, and do hard things. 

park sunset in the fall with autumn leaves and text that says "the autumn equinox"
Wheel of the Year

The Autumn Equinox is one of two days per year when we have equal parts of light and darkness in the sky. As we move forward from this day, the nights get longer and the days get shorter. Some celebrate the Autumn Equinox as the first day of Fall, some see it as the beginning of Libra season, and others recognize it as Mabon - the second harvest festival within the Wheel of the Year. I celebrate ALL those things.

Woman laying on her side on the ground with text that says "your heart is good"

In the summer of 2020, when the world was in lockdown, I decided to enroll in the JourneyDance Teacher Training Program. I was drawn to this practice because it felt similar to the healing dance work I had been teaching in my Christian dance and faith communities for years. I knew JourneyDance had a spiritual component, but I loved how it wasn’t confined to one spiritual path - a value that was super important to me. 

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About the Blog

This blog is a resource for spiritual seekers, aspiring to professional dancers, and all those in between. I've spent more than half of my life weaving together my professional dance career and my spiritual path as both are equally important to me. The points of intersection that I've discovered over the past two decades are what fuels my soul. It's been a wild adventure and also a profoundly transformational journey - one that continues to evolve. My hope in reading this blog is that you'll be inspired to explore spirituality in new and embodied ways while also deepening your relationship with yourself and this incredible world we inhabit.

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