Spiritual Dance Blog

Woman performing an attitude dance move on a beach near a rock fire pit with a large red scarf flowing behind her and text that says Lammas, Lughnasadh, Celebrate your progress
Wheel of the Year

The first week of August marks a turning point in the wheel of the year where we celebrate the first grain harvest of the growing season. Lughnasadh, or Lammas, is a cross-quarter holiday sitting squarely between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox. It is the first of 3 Pagan harvest festivals giving us an opportunity to CELEBRATE OUR PROGRESS and taste the first fruits of our labor, honoring the abundance we've created.

Embodying the Major Arcana

The Empress is the great mother of the tarot deck. Overflowing with warmth, empathy, and compassion, she longs to nurture and nourish that which is in her care. She is a supportive and committed partner - giving freely and loving genuinely. She is deeply connected to the earth - eagerly engages all of her senses, taking full pleasure in whatever life brings her way.

Blog Content

I often get asked why I differentiate between the words DANCE and MOVEMENT. So many people use those words interchangeably. To me, and also for the purposes of what I teach, dance and movement are vastly different concepts. This isn’t something I was taught and I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone speak about it. However,  what I’ve learned over the past two decades is that those words carry contrasting energies and can serve opposite but equally important purposes. When I teach any type of spiritually-focused dance or movement practice, I start by helping people understand the differences, because everything I teach builds upon those two concepts.

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About the Blog

This blog is a resource for spiritual seekers, aspiring to professional dancers, and all those in between. I've spent more than half of my life weaving together my professional dance career and my spiritual path as both are equally important to me. The points of intersection that I've discovered over the past two decades are what fuels my soul. It's been a wild adventure and also a profoundly transformational journey - one that continues to evolve. My hope in reading this blog is that you'll be inspired to explore spirituality in new and embodied ways while also deepening your relationship with yourself and this incredible world we inhabit.

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